Baseline Two Point Discriminator

Baseline Two Point Discriminator

Baseline Two Point Discriminator

The Baseline Two Point Discriminator is a crucial tool in the medical field, utilized to assess cutaneous sensitivity and touch threshold with precision. This device enables healthcare professionals to evaluate the ability to distinguish between two distinct points of contact on the skin, providing valuable insights into tactile acuity and sensory function.

With the capability to measure discrimination up to 14 centimeters, the Baseline Two Point Discriminator offers a wide range of sensitivity assessment, allowing for detailed evaluation of sensory perception across various anatomical regions. By quantifying the minimum distance at which two distinct points are perceived as separate stimuli, this instrument aids in diagnosing sensory deficits, neuropathies, and neurological disorders affecting tactile sensation.

Furthermore, the Baseline Two Point Discriminator assists in monitoring changes in cutaneous sensitivity over time and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving sensory function. Its versatility and accuracy make it an indispensable tool for healthcare professionals involved in neurological assessments, rehabilitation, and the management of conditions affecting tactile perception.