Iron Neck

Iron Neck

Iron Neck

Iron Neck has been demonstrated to help those suffering from pain caused by poor posture, accidents, and wear and tear from the hobbies you love.

  • Iron Neck Pro Bundle (Clinic Edition)

    Iron Neck Pro Bundle (Clinic Edition)

    Iron Neck

    The Iron Neck Pro provides all the benefits as other Iron Neck training models but also features a Variable Friction Dial to easily adjust rotational friction (making it easier or harder to rotate your head), which provides a method of progressing...
  • Iron Neck Starter Bundle (Clinic Edition)

    Iron Neck Starter Bundle (Clinic Edition)

    Iron Neck

    The Iron Neck Starter is perfect for anyone trying to overcome poor posture, improve mobility, or rehabilitate chronic pain in the neck or back. For fitness enthusiasts and athletes, the Starter is a great introduction to Iron Neck training, with added...