Pediatric Standers

Pediatric Standers

Pediatric Standers

Pediatric Standers play a crucial role in promoting independence, mobility, and overall health for children with mobility impairments by providing support and facilitating upright standing. These devices are an essential component of a comprehensive rehabilitation and therapeutic program for children with physical disabilities.

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    TUGS supine board, pediatric

    TUGS supine board, pediatric

    Tumble Forms

    Board tilts from vertical to horizontal and can be secured at any in between angle. Supports child at head, trunk, pelvis, knees and feet. Headrest and armrest fold down, 30-50", 100 pounds. Adjustable tray is included.
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    Pediatric Standers

    TUGS prone mobile stander

    Tumble Forms

    Benefits of standing with convenient mobility. Padded supports provide flexibility and positioning. Foot plate accommodates leg length discrepancies. Child 30-37", up to 50 pounds.
  • TUGS prone stander

    TUGS prone stander

    Tumble Forms

    Position with adjustable main board, footboards, support blocks, foot plates, 25-48", 100 pounds. Height/angle adjustable tray is included.