Products that Chiropractors Use

Products that Chiropractors Use

The most widely utilized chiropractic tool is undoubtedly the chiropractor's skilled hands. However, to complement their manual techniques and ensure the highest quality of care, chiropractors often rely on a variety of additional tools and equipment. Here are some of the essential tools commonly found in chiropractic offices:

CanDo® Treatment Tables

A staple in virtually every chiropractor's office, treatment tables are fundamental for patient realignment and manipulation of the musculoskeletal system. CanDo® treatment tables are meticulously designed and rigorously tested to provide durable, stable, and comfortable work surfaces. Additionally, these tables offer ample storage space underneath to accommodate all the necessary tools and equipment.

Skillbuilders® Positioning Wedges

Positioning wedges play a crucial role in supporting and elevating patients during specific adjustments, particularly when performing maneuvers on a flat or inclined treatment table. Skillbuilders® Positioning Wedges, crafted from molded foam, ensure patient comfort and stability. They are available in various types to facilitate optimal functional positioning, with options for placement under the knees, neck, or lower back, depending on the targeted treatment area.

CanDo® Exercise Bands

Arguably the most versatile tool in a chiropractor's arsenal, CanDo® Exercise Bands are immensely popular and widely utilized. These resistance bands play a pivotal role in rehabilitation and strengthening exercises, offering a range of color-coded resistance levels and sizes to accommodate diverse patient needs. For individuals with latex allergies, a latex-free version of these bands is also available, ensuring inclusivity and safety during treatment.

Next time you visit your chiropractor, take note of these essential items that contribute to your pain relief journey. Each chiropractic tool is meticulously selected and utilized to help alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being. If you're exploring alternative forms of pain relief, consider scheduling a visit to a chiropractor to discover the personalized care and treatment options available to you.

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