Tips on How to Improve Shoulder Range of Motion

Tips on How to Improve Shoulder Range of Motion

Individuals experiencing shoulder pain may find it challenging to perform shoulder range of motion exercises necessary for daily activities such as dressing, bathing, grooming, and reaching. To aid in improving shoulder flexibility and function, prescribed exercises can be helpful. However, it's also beneficial to explore available products designed to facilitate healing and enhance range of motion.

One such product is the CanDo® Over-Door Shoulder Pulley Exerciser, a heavy-duty device designed to increase shoulder flexibility. Available in various styles, these pulley exercisers feature color-coded visualizer ropes for precise range of motion control, swivel hooks for smooth pulley action, and large foam handles for comfort. Additionally, the CanDo® Shoulder Pulleys come with options like double door brackets, door disc anchors, door clamps, and door jamb nub anchors to suit different setups.

Another option for improving shoulder range of motion is the Shoulder Wheel. This wall-mounted device allows for adjustable range-of-motion arcs and resistance levels, catering to individual needs and therapy preferences.

Additionally, tools like the Shoulder Finger Ladder and Upper Body Range of Motion Exercisers can aid in progressive mobility of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints, providing a comprehensive approach to improving overall upper body function.

By incorporating these products into your rehabilitation routine, you can effectively enhance shoulder mobility and regain functionality, ultimately improving your quality of life.

Mar 19th 2024 Rehab Therapy Supplies

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